This page contains examples of using knockout.observableStorage. It won't always work when loaded into the browser as a file, as some browers don't allow storage events to be fired when loaded from a file. It has to be loaded from a web server to get full functionality.

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Default Observable
This is an ordinary observable. It will not be persisted after a page reload

Local Storage Observable
This observable will be persisted when the page is refreshed and will sync with other instances of this page in different tabs and windows. You can also change the local storage value via the developer tools and watch it update on the page.

Session Storage Observable
This observable will be persisted when the page is refreshed, but it is local to the browser tab. Other tabs will not share the value and the value will disappear. when the tab is closed. You can also change the local storage value via the developer tools and watch it update on the page.

Custom Observable
This observable will be persisted using custom get/set methods. In this particular example, the custom get/set methods read and write to a Javascript variable, but they could contain code to persist values to a server.