Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oCUnicodeCharRepresents a Unicode character in an encoding-neutral way
 oCUnicodeCharReferenceProvides a reference to an encoding-neutral Unicode character embedded in an encoding-neutral Unicode string
 oCUnicodeStringContains and manages an encoding-neutral Unicode string
 |oCconst_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a Unicode string, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCconst_reverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a Unicode string in reverse order, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCiteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a Unicode string
 |\Creverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a Unicode string in reverse order
 oCUtf16CharProvides a copy of a UTF-16 character embedded in a UTF-16 string
 oCUtf16CharReferenceProvides a reference to a UTF-16 character embedded in a UTF-16 string
 oCUtf16StringContains and manages a UTF-16 string
 |oCconst_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-16 string, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCconst_reverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-16 string in reverse order, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCiteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-16 string
 |\Creverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-16 string in reverse order
 oCUtf8CharProvides a copy of a UTF-8 character embedded in a UTF-8 string
 oCUtf8CharReferenceProvides a reference to a UTF-8 character embedded in a UTF-8 string
 oCUtf8StringContains and manages a UTF-8 string
 |oCconst_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-8 string, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCconst_reverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-8 string in reverse order, but allowing only access to constant code points
 |oCiteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-8 string
 |\Creverse_iteratorAn iterator that iterates through the code points in a UTF-8 string in reverse order